Wednesday, April 20, 2005

About Me

Now that I know how to post pictures, I thought I should formally introduce myself. Thus far, my little blog has consisted of random thoughts, stories, and incidences from the past. I have never really tied it together though, for fear of the internet freaks who might decide to stalk me or my family. However, I am feeling carefree and lighthearted today, and I will throw caution to the wind. Here is my story.

I was born in a sleepy little town in the wonderfully backward state of Alabama. I had two parents and two siblings. During my younger years, my brother, sister, and I fought so consistently and bitterly that I marvel at the parents tolerance for annoyance. I was never allowed to have a television in my room, a trampoline in the backyard, or one of those little Barbie Jeeps to ride in. I was teased incessantly throughout at daycare, so I was never very active on the playground. I did, however, occasionally play "house" with some of the girls, though I never was allowed to play the coveted role of mother. I was, with little grace and even less dignity, forced into the lesser roles of sister or, God forbid, pet. When I got older and could muster up enough confidence to steal a ball, I became quite skilled at two-square. I was the champion among the younger girls. My favorite game to play at home was a very different version of "house" in the back of my dad's truck with the boys from up the street. If we were lucky, we would have a broom as a prop, and I was always the mother. If it happened to be an incredibly lucky day, my sister, four years my senior, would regress into her younger years and help me wed my barbies. In the time period of the pre-pre-teen years, or the years from about nine to eleven when I had not quite become embarassingly self-aware of the physical differences between my male playmates and me, I enjoyed walking on trails in the woods and climbing trees.

I entered a very awkward stage during my pre-teen years. During the time period when other girls were discovering curling irons, eye shadow, and braces; my buck teeth and freckles became increasingly obvious. For the most part, however, I remained somewhat oblivious to the differences between my female peers and me. I developed violently guarded emotional friendships with the groups of girls in my classes. We cried with each other, laughed with each other, and told each other our deepest secrets. We swore that we would love and honor only each other as best friends, and then we forgot about each other as soon as the new school year, with new classes and new best friends, dawned.

Middle school was a horrid awakening of self-awareness, lonliness, and pure torture. The end.

Socially, high school proved to be a continuance of my pre-teen years. I formed tight relationships which developed into small communities. These communities were built on tightly upheld rules that must be followed at all times by the friends within. Some of these rules included the following:

- A friend will not steal the guy that you like, your boyfriend, or your ex-
- A friend will not talk about you behind your back, especially to another friend.
- A friend must invite you to all social activities that she invites other friends
- A friend will not do or say anything intended to hurt, either physically or

These rules were, of course, violated quite frequently and became the source of much drama that would occupy our days and free us from the intense boredom that innately exists in a small town.

Romantically, my high school years were wildly exhilerating and fresh. My curfew was always very strictly enforced and my options of where to go and who to go with were consistently limited. My father did not speak when boys came to pick me up, but merely grunted and glared. But I was young, determined, romantic, and very idealistic; and I found a way to make that first love happen, though I had to be very creative with my choice of words at times. And it was beautiful and exciting and unforgettable.

Today, I am currently an undergraduate student at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. I do not have a major, or a direction in life. I am a step aerobics assistant, with hopes of becoming a teacher in the fall. I am pretty sure that I failed my group certification test that I took last Friday. I think that I am still going to be an assistant in the fall. I work at a special needs camp during the summer that touches my heart and gives me a tan. My roommate is incredibly messy and will not do her dishes or take out the trash. I plan on deciding my future either this summer or during the fall. I am forced to go to basketball games and football games by the boyfriend. I have been dating the boyfriend for eight months. My father actually likes this boyfriend. My sister moved away to San Antonio last summer, and I am going to take my first trip on an airplane to see her in May. I love living in Birmingham, because of the crazy night life. I want to make a lot of money.

Here are some of the people in my life:

These are the parents at Easter. I have finally faced the fact that I am always going to be shorter than my mother. Posted by Hello

This is my brother wearing the pink shirt that I recommended. I do not care what anyone says, I like pink on guys. Posted by Hello

This is the "special" cat that my family has. Posted by Hello

My new beta fishy! He's so cute! Posted by Hello

Three beautiful ladies having fun. These are my friends Jessica and Leighann. Posted by Hello

The dishes that I have to live with. Posted by Hello

The cookie cake from a previous entry given by the boyfriend. Posted by Hello

Finally, the boyfriend!!! Posted by Hello

So there it is, my life in five minutes. Hope it was worth your time!


At 1:58 PM , Blogger Kate said...

Hey Carrie. Don't forget you have a SISTER.

Actually, I haven't read this post yet, so maybe you mention me, but damnit, you have a sister and I don't care if you don't have any pictures of me on your camera.

I'm still a part of the family. :(

At 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch ... umm, you also have aunts.

At 10:48 AM , Blogger Carrie said...

Being that I was rushed for time and had a limited supply of pictures, I do apologize to those left unmentioned. However, choosing to briefly summarize the IMMEDIATE parts of my family isn't a personal jab at others that do still play a significant role in my life. It was never my intention to leave anyone out. I just didn't have enough time. I love everyone in my life. You know who are.


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