Thursday, March 10, 2005

To Stress or Not to Stress...

Recent events include trying to get registered to take the ACE group fitness certification in April, trying to plan a trip to San Antonio in May, trying desparately to save enough money to accomplish both of these, trying to find the time to begin a twenty page Western Civ paper that is due in less than three weeks, trying to think about what I want to do for my fabulous nineteenth birthday, and constantly trying to find the time to study for everyday tests and quizzes that continually occupy my everyday life.

I have a lot to do.

Sometimes, thinking about everything that I have to do encompasses a greater majority of my time than actually doing them. Often, I think about my stress level and wonder if it is worth the satisfaction I receive from being so gosh-darn perfect. So I have composed a list of positive and negative results from my obsessive compulsive tendencies to keep life in perfect order.


  • I adore the praise that I receive for my accomplishments. I am not sure that I would be
    motivated to accomplish much unless I was sure to be positively reinforced for it.
  • My accomplishments alone are positives: scholarships, President's List, group fitness assitant
    ( future instructor), each and every single A that I have sweated for/cried for.
  • Even the process of learning to live on my own, partially supporting myself, and learning to conserve ( conserve money, food, socializing, etc...) is a positive.


  • Perhaps I have a tendency to drive people away with my perpetual need for a cheering
    section. The boyfriend explained, "You know that I am proud of you, honey. It is just that
    sometimes I feel inadequate next to you." This forces me to think about my past and the
    demands I placed on family, friends, and boyfriends to support me in all that I do.
    I think about the negative feelings that must have innately resulted in each of them from
    continually having to force the expected smile and expression of congrats.
  • I also stress to the point of appearing whiny and unattractive. Many a time I have heard the expression, "Chill out." Not many people want to befriend someone who resides in a habitual state of anxiety and distress.
  • I spoil good moods that could have contributed to good times. Oftentimes, I immediately
    inform the boyfriend of the problems of my latest endeavors before he has had a chance to breathe around me. Perhaps this puts a damper on his mood as well.

A message to those who wholeheartedly support me and do not concur with my list of negatives: I genuinely appreciate the encouragement. However, even though there are some that fall into this category, I believe there are many others that are thinking, "Yes, Carrie, you have hit it right on the nose." Maybe the first step to solving a problem is realizing that you have one. Maybe some people realize that they have a problem and never discover the means to solve it. Perhaps my ability to talk in circles like this is the cause of my stress problem to begin with.

Now I have confused myself, and I do believe that I am going to need some input before I can determine whether or not I possess a normal stress level. So weigh the good and the bad, and leave me some comments!


At 10:43 PM , Blogger Kate said...

Dude, I think you might know yourself that something's up with your stress levels when the list of negatives outweighs the positives. You've always been a high stress gal. But at least you recognize this, and that WILL help.

College is going to be stressful, just because classes invoke a staying up too late and procrastinating kind of lifestyle. Just remember to do stuff that makes you feel calm and pretty. Curl your hair!


At 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmm ... more chocolate, girl?

At 6:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with Kate, curl your hair, it always helps.


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