Sunday, February 27, 2005

Camp Thoughts

So I received a letter hiring me to work at camp once more for the summer. I am very much looking foward to revisiting something so familiar and safe. I am also looking foward to the payraise that I have so painstakingly earned. I love my campers, the sun, and the lazy hazy days of camp. I love the way that camp is it's own world, that which is not affected by outside influences. I like that I have finally befriended people who intend to come back.

I do not like the drama that innately occurs when a group of people are bound together for weeks at a time. I do not like that I have a tendency to let my personal life affect the work that I do at camp. I do not like that camp encompasses such a vast majority of my personal time. I do not like that others in my past could not understand the huge commitment that I am forced to make to camp.

I feel ashamed that I have not been the counselor that I could have been to my campers, simply because I felt sorry for myself and my own problems. Some of my campers cannot even speak. Some cannot walk. Some cannot even communicate what they feel, whether it be sad, happy, angry, hungry.... The list goes on. I do not know problems next these people.

This year, I am newly committed to the idea of camp. This one week is all that some look foward to. I am strengthened in my resolve to remember that.

Besides, what job could be better than playing outside all day?


At 4:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go, girl - commit, resolve and play all day. And be ever mindful of your blessings ...


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