Saturday, March 19, 2005

And I Said Hey! What's Going On?

Yesterday's festivities included a lovely trip to Tuscaloosa to chill with my girl, Leighann. Prior to my departure, I mustered up enough self-discipline to force myself to hibernate in the library for almost five hours to work on my infamous twenty page paper. Having successfully completed a large portion of my original goals for the day, I exited the library and faced a quiet night of relaxing and watching Legally Blonde on TBS.

However, upon entering my desolate dorm room, the silence and loneliness crept over me. The boyfriend's new job requires many long weekend hours, therefore leaving me to my own devices quite often. So impulse kicked in and I called Leighann.

"HEY, what are you doing?" I ask.
"Nothing, just getting ready to go out."
"Ohmygosh, I am so bored and lonely!"
"Well, get in the car and get down here!"
*Carrie thinks about her twenty page paper, her boyfriend who is working and unaware of her plans to leave town, and the responsibity she has to both to be mature in her decisions.
"Okay! I'm so excited. I'll see you in an hour."

Well, I am not quite grown up yet, okay? So, I impulsively executed a last-minute trip to T-town. The night was filled with meeting new people, relaxing with my girls, and an incredibly fun cover band complete with 80's wigs that stuck straight up in the air. Fun times.

This entry is dedicated to Leighann. You help me to stress less and enjoy the little things more. We have SO much fun together! I love you!


At 11:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sometimes it's best to just get up and go. i used to run to auburn all the time. life is short. have fun while you can.
and legally blonde is a great movie. i don't care what anybody says. it always puts me in a good mood.



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