Sunday, March 20, 2005


Let me tell you a story of a technologically ignorant young girl named Carrie:

Carrie sat at her computer today checking her email, her blog, and thefacebook (three rituals that take place daily), when she noticed that her good friend Zach sent her an instant message on MSN. It was a file that needed to be opened. Now, her friend Zach said not a word when sending this message, and he had never sent anything to be opened before. Then there was that one time that he sent her an email with something that needed to be opened, and the only reason that she didn't is because her computer caught the virus and wouldn't let her. There are also the countless lectures that she receives from her father about checking for problems, getting rid of spyware, and being careful about opening anything.

So, Carrie opened the file.

I HAVE A BIG STINKING VIRUS or something that messing up my computer right now, and I don't know what to do!!! I know that I have sent it to everyone on my msn list probably about three times today accidently. I have tried to perform searches for problems on this Spybot thing that my Dad showed me and on the Ad-aware thing that Denise told me about, AND THEY DON'T WORK!!! My computer keeps freezing up, and both of them will find the problems, but won't get rid of them.

I am so frustrated right now. I don't know ANYTHING about computers at all. I am here in Birmingham surrounded by people who also don't know anything about computers. I just want my computer to make me happy by working right for once. And maybe one of these days I will learn not to do stupid things to it.

Now, all I can do is ask for help.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Anyone who knows anything about computers, help me fix this! I am asking from the bottom of my impatient and frustrated heart. Thank you.

P.S. I am sorry to everyone on my list who I sent the virus to.


At 8:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry - what I don't know about computers could never be calculated because there are no measuring tools capable of deteriming such a gigundous black hole of ignorance.

At 8:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry - what I don't know about computers could never be calculated because there are no measuring tools capable of determining such a gigundous black hole of ignorance.


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