Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Yes, it has been awhile. And I'd like to say that it is because I've been doing fabulous and exciting things and just haven't managed to find the time to update my poor little blog. But that is actually the farthest from the truth. Truthfully, I've been bored, lazy, and slacking in school. But eh, who doesn't get into those slumps?

I have decided to declare accounting as my major. It's strange though, because when I tell people I get the same reaction that I did when I told people what college I was going to. They just sort of scratch their heads and give me a puzzling look. However, I am firmly set as of this five minutes that I will make a fabulous accountant and someday I will make tons of money.

Tonight I will probably watch my fishy swim around in his little fishy bowl and maybe eat a cracker or two. I might flip through the channels and watch Friends and Sex in the City. And I will probably definitely be thinking that I am going to get so lost when my mom comes to Birmingham on Saturday and I must meet her for lunch.

Maybe I need a job to fill up all of this extra downtime I've been experiencing.

Hahahaha. That was a joke.

But really, my brain has turned to mush. Can anyone help?


At 8:10 PM , Blogger Kate said...

Sorry you're going through this slump still, Carrie. I would say come on out to Omaha and help us with our house projects, but that would send you screaming back to Alabama.

In the meantime, pamper yourself a little. Buy some new makeup or some smell good stuff or some new clothes.

At 9:32 AM , Blogger Audra said...

Read a good book. One that you want to read, not one that you have to read. Like... Life of Pi or Harry Potter or anything by Dan Brown

At 6:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be glad that you have the time and space in which to experience boredom and the blahs, for it represents a luxury of contrast that gives greater meaning to the other end of the emotional barometer.


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