Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Evil Computers and Inner Struggles

Okay, so after various struggles with the computer, I think that it is actually working and I am free to inform my committed readers of the everyday activities that fill my life once more. I know that you were all scared that I wasn't going to come back, but you can rest in peace knowing that I am once more here to entertain you.

Yeah, just kidding.

In fact, I know of a total of about three people that frequent this site. But that's not so bad. Having fewer people comment cuts down on the possibility that people will leave mean comments. Because I totally wouldn't care at all. Really. Yeah, I'm so over that high school drama.


So, school is in full swing and I'm slowly adapting once more. The brain truly is a muscle that needs to be exercised to reach its fullest potential. My brain has slowly rotted this summer without intellectual stimulation. So making the transition to using it in class has been a slow process. My body wasn't doing so hot either due to the ginormous volumes of ice cream I consumed when I began to get depressed about being away. The lovely new rec center is helping in that area however. I have dabbled in a little bit of everything at the beautiful new facility. I have spun until I was dizzy in spin class, I have sprinted like a deer flying through the woods on the new treadmills, I have crunched and sweated in core conditioning, and I have lifted weights with the boyfriend which resulted in me repeating several phrases such as, "I can't do it", "It hurts Matt!", and "No, I am not whiney. Why are you being so mean?" Really, somebody needs to keep me away from dumbbells.

So my latest adventure occured this afternoon. It involved a very deep and intense personal struggle. Before I delve into this masterpiece of a thriller, I must give some background information.

See, I'm a special sort of student. I get really excited at the beginning of semesters. For about the first two or three days of a class I will do everything perfect and read all of the assignments. Somewhere along the way, I slip up and something other than homework becomes appealing to me. This could include a variety of things such as watching my fish swim around his tank, painting my toenails, seeing how long I can hold my breath, etc. Then I am forced to cram for the test the night before all the while thinking to myself, "Carrie you are so stupid for waiting until the last minute to study, because now you will be up all night trying to cram an impossible amount of information into your head." It gets really scary when, as the hours slowly tick by and daylight looms around the corner, I find myself actually saying out loud, "Carrie you are so stupid for waiting to study until the last minute, because now you have been up all night trying to cram an impossible amount of information into your head." But you are only crazy if you answer yourself back, right? In conclusion, I am physically and mentally exhausted for about a week after each exam. I vow during every day of bedraggled hair, sloppy clothes, and puffy eyes that never again will I procrastinate on a test.

I've reached day two in all of my classes thus far, and I must say that I am right on track. Yesterday, I brought my philosophy book down to the laundry room to wash clothes and I read like eleven pages. No lie. And today, I actually finished nine whole problems in my accounting homework during the DAY, instead of taking my daily nap.

However, I reached a sad point in my progress this afternoon as I decided whether to read psychology this evening, or force the boyfriend cook for me and watch the Real World.

I must say that the food was terrific. Besides, who in their right mind could miss Danny coming back so he and Mel could be together only to find that he is scared of commitment, and then after Mel's near alcohol poisoning scare find that he does truly have feelings for her after all? Really people, there was no other choice.

I might say that I am disappointed in myself for not learning from my mistakes or growing up any over the past year. But who am I kidding? Who wants to be an icky grown up anyway?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

At Last

Hooray for being back at school!!! I successfully moved in yesterday. Let me tell you, moving in to a dorm is tough work when there is a 20 min wait for the two small elevators that are supposed to service all eight floors, you have about four or five good loads, your mother makes you take the stairs with one of your heaviest suitcases, and you live on the fifth floor. But enough with that. I am moved in, I have visited Al's to get a barbeque chicken baker, I have gotten to see the wonderful boyfriend again, and I am a satisfied girl.

Now I just have to start school.
