Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Secret Addictions

Yes, I'll admit, two months into college and I'm already confessing secret addictions. But there's just one in particular that seems to have taken a life of its own. Its hold over me is so incredibly powerful that I dream about it at night, I get the shakes if I go a couple of weeks without it, and my senses go haywire if I see anyone else doing it.

That's right, I'm addicted to eating cheesecake.

Not just any cheesecake, either. It has to be the Jello brand that you make out of a box. This five dollar investment in money and ten minute investment in time results in the most heavenly, graham cracker crusted, melt-in-your mouth ooey gooey goodness topped with real strawberries.

Not only do I love the taste, but also the convenience. When I moved to Birmingham to attend the lovely Unversity of Alabama at Birmingham, I barely knew how to make a sandwich. Whoever knew that there existed a way to make the most delicious cheesecake in the world in only ten minutes? I mean, all you do is add milk. It's like Cheesecake for Dummies 101. What an amazing and wonderful concept.

I have a serious problem here. I have no willpower left to battle the neverending craving for cheesecake. Even typing the word gives me shivers. So until a CA (Cheesecakaholics Anonymous) group is invented, I suppose I will have to learn to deal with my addiction.


At 8:39 PM , Blogger Kate said...

Oh, dude. Cheesecake is delicious! One time Dominic and I went to a restaurant and he ordered cheesecake and it was so big that he couldn't even finish it--and Dominic can eat! He's been queasy around cheesecake ever since.

Jello brand is the best. As ghetto-fabulous as it is.

At 8:39 PM , Blogger Kate said...

P.S. Your blog isn't allowing anonymous comments. I think you can fix this in the settings.

At 9:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Long before I had REAL cheesecake, as in New York style, I thought the JelloBrand version was supremely IT. Times and tastes evolve - along with the waist, hips, thighs ...


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